A Message from Mrs. Burdette

Greetings HCA Families,

I pray you are safe and well.  It has been a challenging year, but our God is in control.  In Jeremiah 31:3, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore, I have continued my faithfulness to you.”  Isn’t that amazing?  The God of the universe promises to love us and continue His faithfulness!  I am encouraged by this word and I hope you are, too.  Please know that I have been lifting up your families in prayer this school year.  If you or any member of your family has suffered or experienced loss during this time, I am truly sorry and pray the Lord’s comfort over you.

Spring is right around the corner, and we are on the way to the finish line.  Our team has been diligent to contact you regarding the progress of your child.  Our Jcampus system text alerts have been sent to notify you of any schoolwide or grade level event, along with attendance or academic concerns.  Our administrative team has been contacting parents when needed to ensure your child’s needs are met.  If we can do anything to assist you in your child’s learning this year, please contact us.  We care about you and your child.

We have been notified by the State Department of Education that all LEAP/Terra Nova testing for the end of the year must be performed on-campus.  Of course, we will take the safety of each child and adult into the utmost consideration as we plan our testing schedules.  We will also notify our On-Campus and Virtual Learners in advance so you may plan accordingly.

My prayer as I finish this message is the same- that you and your family are safe and well.  That our God protects you, loves you, and encourages you daily.

God bless you,

Mrs. Monique Burdette
